Internet Wetten » News » online betting frenzy number of regular gamblers increases by 162 in 12 months

Online Betting Frenzy: Number of Regular Gamblers Increases by 162% in 12 Months

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550,000 Germans used online betting sites on a weekly basis in 2021. This represents a massive increase: just one year before, there were only 210,000, amounting to an increase of 162%, as shown in a new infographic by

The infographic reveals that real-money betting is by no means a marginal phenomenon, and is enjoying increasing popularity across social classes, age groups and countries. Online gambling revenues in Europe amounted to €36 billion in 2021, an increase of 18% over the previous year.

However, according to current forecasts there is still a long way to go. Market observers expect sales to increase by a further 44% to €52 billion by 2026, starting from 2021.

Data from a current market report underline show just how widespread the trend is. According to the report, 29.7% of German citizens have played at least one game of luck for money in the past 12 months. The highest percentage is among those between 36 and 45 years of age, at 33.8%. Remarkably, those under 26 are less likely to gamble.

There is still a trend towards online gambling in the gambling industry: out of the gambling houses and onto the betting sites. Measured in terms of the total population, 12.1% of German engage exclusively in analogue gambling, while 9.7% exclusively use betting providers and gambling operators online. The gap was much wider just a few years ago.